Media Release

July 14, 2023

Provincial Government Releases Request for Proposals for Detailed Design of New Hub in Happy Valley-Goose Bay

The Provincial Government, via the Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation, is today releasing a Request for Proposals to retain a prime consultant to oversee the design and construction of a new integrated health, housing, and supportive services hub in Happy Valley-Goose Bay. The new hub will provide emergency shelter, transitional and supportive housing in a safe and culturally appropriate environment where individuals experiencing homelessness have access to necessary supports.

The preliminary design for the new facility includes:

  • 30 overnight emergency shelter beds;
  • 20 transitional beds;
  • 20 self-contained supportive housing units;
  • Mental health, addiction supports and other health services;
  • Navigational supports to access services; and,
  • Culturally appropriate and community-based wrap-around support services.

The proposed location for the new integrated hub is 264 Hamilton River Road, site of former tree nursery. This is a large section of Crown land that is close to important services and can accommodate the building’s footprint.

The preliminary design for the new hub was developed in partnership with members of the Happy Valley-Goose Bay Action Team, comprised of representatives from Federal, Provincial and Indigenous Governments and Organizations, and community partners in the housing and homelessness sector and mental health and addictions services in the region. The collaborative work over the past two years draws on expertise in this area which acknowledges the importance of bringing health, housing, and other supportive services together to meet people where they are, improve access to these supports, and provide individualized and client-centered supports to individuals experiencing homelessness.  The current emergency shelter and overflow shelter response will transition to the new integrated hub with appropriate staff and access to programming.

Consultation sessions with community stakeholders were held in Happy Valley – Goose Bay in spring and summer of 2022. The objective of these sessions was to identify gaps in services, partnership opportunities, design considerations for the building plan and program offerings. Public information sessions were held in November 2022 and provided an important opportunity to share the preliminary concept, design and proposed site location with the community. This next phase of the project will advance detailed design and site considerations, as well as provide ongoing opportunities for public consultation. To learn more about the proposed new hub, visit

The request for proposals can be accessed by visiting (Reference Number 0000251961).


“Providing vulnerable persons with safe, secure housing with supports is a ‘Housing First’ best practice and a proven approach to addressing homelessness. We look forward to advancing the detailed design of the new integrated hub in consultation with our partners and the community.”
Honourable Paul Pike
Minister Responsible for the Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation

“This initiative is a direct response to addressing chronic homelessness in the Happy Valley-Goose Bay area. The new integrated hub is intended to provide a more appropriate and staffed emergency shelter response for the area, address current gaps and bring together housing options, along with health and other wrap-around services to provide holistic, culturally appropriate and client-centered supports.”
Honourable Lisa Dempster
Minister of Labrador Affairs and Minister Responsible for Indigenous Affairs and Reconciliation

“As a government we remain committed to working together with community partners, Labrador-Grenfell Health Zone, Indigenous Governments and Organizations and the RCMP to identify short-term responses and long-term plans to meet the needs of all residents of Happy Valley-Goose Bay. This new hub builds on the recommendations of frontline expertise to support people in need and will contribute to the ultimate goal of a safer, more inclusive community.”
Perry Trimper
MHA, Lake Melville


Media contacts
Jenny Bowring
Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation

Allan Bock
Labrador Affairs